Category: Etc.

Trying out themes

You’ve probably noticed by now, I’m trying new themes for the blog 🙂 If you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me in the comments, in the meantime I’ll hopping from theme to theme, seeing which one I like best. 🙂

I have only one thing to say, while keeping in mind that I HONESTLY think LL can do WAY BETTER THAN THIS: I pray that the official release viewer is not like the beta, because the beta is crap.

LL can do a lot better than this, and of all things, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE RETURN TO USING THE NORMAL VIEWER FORMAT. I don’t know what brainstorm LL had in order to make Viewer 2.0, but, I  think they should really really think about how different the earlier versions were from this nightmare dubbed “2.0”.

Try again LL, and, of all things, GET RID OF THE CONFUSION IN THIS BETA VERSION, AND MAKE IT MORE LIKE EVERYONE IS USED TO- The earlier, far easier versions to use.